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# oh-repeater - Repeater

Iterate over an array and repeat the children components in the default slot

# Configuration

# General

# for Current element variable TEXT

Name of the variable holding the current element in the iteration, it will be propagated to the children components in the default slot. 2 additional variables with the "_idx" and "_source" suffixes will also be defined to hold the current index and source array, respectively.

# sourceType Source type TEXT

What to iterate on

" parameter" /> ", "rangeStop", "rangeStep"" /> " parameter" /> " parameter" /> "" /> "" />

# in Source array TEXT

Source array (for "array" source type)

# rangeStart Range Start INTEGER

Start of range (for "range" source type)

# rangeStop Range Stop INTEGER

End of range (for "range" source type)

# rangeStep Range Step INTEGER

Step of range (for "range" source type)

# groupItem Group Item TEXT item

Group item to whose members will be iterated (for "itemsInGroup" source type)

# itemTags Item Tags TEXT

Iterate over items with the given tags (comma-separated, for "itemsWithTags" source type)

# itemOptions Item with Options TEXT

Iterate over the state options or command options of this item (for "itemStateOptions" or "itemCommandOptions" source type)

# fetchMetadata Fetch Item Metadata Namespaces TEXT

Fetch the metadata from these namespaces (for "itemsInGroup" and "itemsWithTags" source types)

# filter Filter expression TEXT

Specify an expression WITHOUT THE = PREFIX to filter the resulting array

# map Map expression TEXT

Specify an expression WITHOUT THE = PREFIX to transform the resulting array elements

# listContainer List container BOOLEAN

The child components will be wrapped in a ul HTML elements instead of a div

# containerClasses Classes of the container TEXT

Add these CSS classes to the container

# containerStyle Styles of the container TEXT

Add these CSS styles to the container

# fragment No container (fragment) BOOLEAN

Render all children directly under the repeater's parent, without any container